Teaching Artistry On Demand

The ABI Teaching Artist All-Access Portal

What’s In Your All-Access Portal

Step-By-Step Lesson Plans

Our instructors have access to all of our original lesson plans to teach musical concepts, musical genres, and more. These incorporate Art Beyond the Ink’s multidisciplinary teaching approach and can be used stand-alone in general music settings, or as supplemental curriculum for instrument-based learning.

Classroom Games and Activities

We have created many classroom games and activities that incorporate music, visual art, and dance. These can be paired with our lesson plans or adapted to new lesson plans, complete with instructional demos for instructors to learn the craft techniques.

Learning Guides and Resources to Build Your Own Teaching Skills

Our instructors can access lesson planning guides, classroom management tips, music education resources, and a community space to gain support from other members as they continue to build their teaching skills.

The ABI Teaching Artist All-Access Portal